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Vendors, visitors return for Bike Week

Jun 01, 2023Jun 01, 2023

When Gettysburg Bike Week opened its gates Thursday afternoon, approximately 120 vendors were ready.

The number of businesses in the Vendor Village was “much better than pre-pandemic” said Kelly Shue, coordinator of the 22nd annual event.

Depending on the weather, Shue said she expected about 18,000 participants over the weekend, comparable to last year’s total, she said. The event runs through Sunday at the Allstar Sports & Event Complex, 2638 Emmitsburg Road.

Attending the event has become an annual ritual for many people, in large part because of the opportunity to “ride the battlefield. When do you get to do that?” Shue said.

Vendors are among the enthusiastic return visitors.

Richel Selestow of The Sunglass Man said she sells at many events each year, but Gettysburg Bike Week is her favorite.

“It’s the environment. We love Gettysburg, the people,” the history, and “the atmosphere,” she said.

Co-owner Gary Selestow said the business has been at Bike Week for at least 13 years and was among the first to locate in the event’s indoor Swap Meet area.

There, despite the business’s name, The Sunglass Man was offering everything from motorcycle parts to apparel and patches.

“We’re a one-stop shop,” Richel said, adding that Bike Week is the only event to which the business brings two trailers, one full of parts and the other general merchandise.

Taking a look at some of the motorcycle parts were customers Nick Natale of Phoenixville and Stephen Waite of McConnellsburg.

They and a large group of friends have been rendezvousing at Bike Week for at least 10 years.

“We all look forward to it,” Natale said.

The group includes 30 or 40 people who come from as far away as Ohio and North Carolina, Waite said.

Among businesses in the large, colorful outdoor Vendor Village area was EZ Kustoms, owned by Phil Alderton of Chattanooga, Tenn., which works onsite to emblazon bikes with artwork and make minor repairs.

For five years in a row, Alderton said he has been seizing the chance to “be in the Gettysburg battlefields” around July 4.

While on the road at numerous events and in his shop during the off-season, Alderton said he has painted thousands of bikes over the last 15 years, often with patriotic graphics.

He showed off some examples on his sister Tere Thomas’ Victory motorcycle, which he emblazoned with images including the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Also set up in Vendor Village was East Coast Iron Garage of York, whose owners Ryan Minnich and Mike Taylor showed off a powerful motorcycle audio system.

Two potential customers said Bike Week’s sense of community has kept them coming back over several years.

“The biker community is tight,” said one man.

The opportunity to “make new connections” is also a factor, along with the event’s stimulus of the local economy, the other customer said. Neither would identify himself, but they said they are from Selinsgrove.

Shue too said the event keeps dollars within the local economy, emphasizing that Bike Wike relies on local businesses, which cater to participants’ lodging, dining, and other needs. In addition, she said Bike Week makes donations to numerous local nonprofit organizations.

Highlights of this year’s event is its musical headliners, Shue said.

Bike Week typically includes national acts, but this year “is kind of taking it to the next level,” she said.

The featured artists are Ace Frehley of the band Kiss at 9:30 p.m. Friday, and Night Ranger at 9:30 p.m. Saturday.

Another highlight is the Third Annual Jeremy Plank Memorial Ride/2023 Parade of Chrome, which is to leave the complex around 5 p.m. on Saturday and pass through downtown Gettysburg. Plank, a Gettysburg resident, was killed in a motorcycle wreck in May 2021, said Shue. Participants wear neon teal shirts in memory of Plank during the ride.

Numerous other planned events include the Moto Motion Stunt Show, Bike Week’s first-ever LED Light Show sponsored by Rumbling Pride LTD Co., and fireworks following Night Ranger’s performance.

A complete schedule and ticket information are available at

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