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The Plumber: Cold facts about refrigerator water lines

Sep 13, 2023Sep 13, 2023

Hi Ed: We recently moved into our new home and inherited the sellers kitchen fridge connected with a copper water line. We plan to have the plumber use our own fridge that connects to a plastic water line. Is this going to be an issue?

— Shannon, Georgia

Dear Shannon: Most refrigerators have automatic ice-makers, and many have cold water dispensers. So a small ice-maker valve with flexible water piping is often installed in new plumbing systems or added to existing systems.

While water supply lines to refrigerators can be made of different materials like copper, plastic types and braided stainless steel, the good news is with adapters, most ice-maker supply lines should be able to connect to most refrigerators.

However, I recommend you have your plumber check the condition of the existing water supply setup and to see if it all meets local codes before making any connections. If a new refrigerator water line setup is recommended by your plumber, I would also suggest adding an in-line filter to the piping.

Some refrigerators have built-in filters, but if not, adding an in-line water filter is a clear choice to make.

Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book "Ed Del Grande's House Call," the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit or write [email protected]. Always consult local contractors and codes.

Hi Ed:Dear Shannon: